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State of Rhode Island, Division of Statewide Planning , Rhode Island's Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

STIP Revision #19 – Major Amendment

The Rhode Island State Planning Council (SPC) has approved a Major Amendment, classified as Amendment #19, to the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) for federal fiscal years 2018-2027.

Following a 30-day public comment period, a public hearing report was completed and details over 200 comments received from members of the public including but not limited to: elected state and municipal officials; advocacy groups; private companies.  A response to comments was also included in the Public Hearing Report.

The request for the Major Amendment was made by the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) to support funding adjustments to projects to align the program with Bridge asset management priorities and reflect current funding streams.  RIDOT programs effected include the Route 6/10 Project; Bridge, Drainage, Maintenance, Pavement, Traffic Safety, and Transit Capital; Bridge, Pavement and Traffic Maintenance; Headquarters, Maintenance and Transit Operations; Contingency – Inflation; Debt Service; Pass Throughs; Planning – Program Development; and Transportation Alternatives Program.

FHWA and FTA have completed a review of Amendment #19 to the STIP and have concluded the revision satisfies all regulatory requirements. In coordination with the USEPA, it has also been determined that the amended STIP is in conformity with the goals of the State Implementation Plan, the Clean Air Act, and applicable conformity regulations.

FHWA / FTA letter

Major amendment materials available for public review:

Major Amendment #19 required that the FFY 2018-2027 STIP be in compliance with federal performance requirements under MAP-21 and the FAST Act.  These performance requirements are incorporated in a new Appendix B section. Appendix B discusses the anticipated effect of the STIP toward achieving the performance targets adopted by the Rhode Island State Planning Council, RIDOT, and RIPTA.  The performance requirements link the transportation investment decisions with the performance targets.  The performance measures are in the areas of Highway Safety, Highway (Pavement and Bridge) Asset Management, System Performance, and Transit Asset Management.  Performance requirements help achieve a performance-driven, outcome-based approach to planning.

In accordance with the Clean Air Act, the SPC adopted the FFY 2018-2027 STIP Transportation Conformity Determination Report for the 1997 Ozone NAAQS report.  This document meets the federal transportation conformity requirements in 40 CFR Part 93.

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State of Rhode Island

Department of Administration

Division of Statewide Planning

Rhode Island's Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)