Public Participation
Public participation is integral to good transportation planning. It improves the decision-making process whereby lasting contributions can be made to positively impact Rhode Island’s quality of life. Essential to meaningful public participation are public engagement programs that can expand the approaches and communication methods necessary for engaging stakeholders. The feedback gathered from these programs can then be utilized to develop transportation policies, programs and projects in the state. The Rhode Island State Planning Council (SPC), the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC), and the Rhode Island Division of Statewide Planning (RIDSP) staff actively seek public input in the transportation planning process, particularly related to the following:

- Moving Forward Rhode Island 2040, Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP): The LRTP is a 20-year horizon plan for all surface transportation modes including highways, transit service – both bus and rail, ferries, and pedestrian and bicycle facilities in Rhode Island. The LRTP is also part of Rhode Island’s State Guide Plan.
- State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP): The STIP is a listing of transportation projects that Rhode Island plans to implement using federal and state funding resources.
- Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP): The UPWP identifies the programs and projects proposed for a one-year time period. The UPWP details the programs and projects by: major activity/task, lead agencies to perform work, schedule to complete work and project deliverables, and a summary of the expenditures and sources of federal, state, or other matching funds.
- Public Participation Plan (PPP): The PPP reinforces the SPC and RIDSP’s commitment to transparent communications and engagement with the public regardless of race, color, national origin, age, income, or ability, and with public and private agencies to support the statewide transportation planning process. The Plan outlines the responsibilities, goals, and strategies for engaging the public in its planning work. The RIDSP maintains a mailing list for public hearing notices. If you would like to be added to that list, please e-mail your mailing address to Benny Bergantino.
Benny Bergantino
Principal Planner
Phone: (401) 222-1755