State Planning Council
The Council oversees the Division of Statewide Planning's work. The State Planning Council adopts goals and policies related to planning, most of which are contained within individual plans, which are elements of the State Guide Plan. The Council has been designated as a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for transportation planning purposes and, as such, the Council adopts the Transportation Improvement Program, a four-year program of transportation investments. As the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Committee for the state, the Council maintains the state's Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and reviews and ranks projects for funding consideration by the U.S. Economic Development Administration. The body also advises the Governor on strategic planning matters.

State Planning Council & Metropolitan Planning Organization Overview and Handbook
(May 2023)
The SPC/MPO handbook provides an overview of responsibilities of the Council. The handbook is to help members of the Council and others to understand the mission and functions of the State Planning Council and Statewide Planning Program. Each chapter explains a key aspect of the Council’s duties.
State Planning Council Members
There are 27 members of the State Planning Council representing a range of interests. They have created four standing committees to assist in the oversight of continuing operations: the Advisory Committee for Education, the Technical Committee, the Transportation Advisory Committee and the RIGIS Executive Committee. The State Planning Council and its four (4) standing committees follow adopted Rules and Standards.
- Jonathan Womer, Chair, RI Department of Administration, Director
- Karyn Lowe, Vice Chair, Policy Director, Office of the Governor
- Meredith Brady, Secretary, RI Division of Planning, Associate Director
- Kristen Adamo, President and CEO of the Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Peter Alviti, RI Department of Transportation, Director
- Jeanne Boyle, RI League of Cities and Towns, President's Designee
- Camille Capraro, Governor’s Designee
- Jeanne Cola, Representative of Nonprofit Housing
- Roy Coulombe, Public Member
- Keri M. Cronin, Warren Town Council, Small Community
- Roberto DaSilva, Mayor City of East Providence, Large Community
- Christopher Durand, CEO, RI Public Transit Authority
- Deborah Goddard, RI Department of Housing, Secretary
- Terry Gray, RI Department of Environmental Management, Director
- Christopher Kearns, RI Office of Energy Resources, Acting Commissioner
- Jerome Larkin, MD, RI Department of Health, Director
- Marcus Mitchell, Small Business Representative
- Joseph Mulligan III, City of Providence, Department of Planning & Dev., Director
- Marc Pappas, RI Emergency Management Agency, Director
- M. James Riordan, AICP, Planner or Engineer
- Randy Rossi, RI League of Cities and Towns, Executive Director
- Elizabeth M. Tanner, Esq., Commerce RI, Secretary
- Carol Ventura, Executive Director, RI Housing
- Jeff Willis, RI Coastal Resources Management Council, Executive Director
- Scott Wolf, Grow Smart RI, Environmental Advocate
- Environmental Justice - Pending Appointment
- Midsize Community – Pending Appointment
For more information about the State Planning Council, including meeting schedule, agendas and minutes, please visit the Secretary of State's website and search "planning council, state".
Nancy Hess
Interdepartmental Project Manager
Phone: (401) 222-6480