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State of Rhode Island, Division of Statewide Planning , Rhode Island's Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

Local Technical Assistance Program

walk bike pcf

In 2017, the Division of Statewide Planning relaunched a local planning technical assistance program for municipalities which emphasized planning assistance for active transportation plans. This program assistance aims to increase multi-modal opportunities for residents by increasing trips of modes other than single occupant vehicles as well as the planning for the infrastructure to support non-motorized transportation trips. Planning for sidewalks, bike lanes, bike paths, crosswalks, bus shelters, transit hubs, and bike or scooter share programs falls under this definition of active transportation.


Most municipalities do not have funds to solve these problems or to even study the problems relating to transportation network safety, bike network analysis and sidewalk improvements, let alone develop renderings or plans. So, the Division of Statewide Planning offers this program on a competitive basis to assist municipalities in studying these issues in depth and collaboratively address community needs through data driven decision-making and robust community engagement with consultant and staff support. 

Assistance provided for studies/plans of:

  • Traffic calming
  • Streetscape design
  • Safety improvements
  • Accessibility improvements
  • Bike facility amenities
  • Transit facility amenities
  • Increasing mobility choices​
  • Promoting walkability and bike-ability of neighborhoods
  • Improving access to jobs, retail, services, etc.​
  • Municipal Transportation Master Plans
  • Municipal Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans

Applications for our 2025 Active Transportation Local Technical Assistance Program are now being accepted! 

Statewide Planning is accepting applications from municipalities for plans that will increase active transportation and multi-modal options in RI communities while also supporting local economic development. Bicycle network plans, pedestrian safety plans, transportation master plans, and plans for improving transportation access to jobs/retail areas are all eligible. 

Our Technical Assistance Program allows municipalities to work with us on a diverse range of projects to advance shared local, regional, and state goals. Over the past seven years, our Technical Assistance programs have awarded more than $750,000 in consultant services to RI municipalities. The next awardee could be you!

Apply by Monday, April 3, 2025 by 4PM for your project to be considered.

2025 Transportation Technical Assistance Application

Technical Assistance FAQs

For more information about the Division of Statewide Planning’s local technical assistance program please contact Assistant Chief, Roberta Groch, 401-222-4720

Plans that have been created through our Technical Assistance Program include:

keep_newport moving

Bike/Walk Plan for Pawtucket/Central Falls (2020)

Developed in partnership with the neighboring Cities of Pawtucket and Central Falls, the vision for Bike/Walk P/CF is to be safe and inviting places for all people to travel, whether on foot, by bike, by bus, or by vehicle. With the opening of the Pawtucket-Central Falls Transit Center and the start of MBTA passenger rail service to Boston in 2023, this plan also outlines how to make connections to this crucial area, as well as nearby areas of commerce, education, entertainment and recreation.

Keep Newport Moving: The Newport Transportation Master Plan (2023)

Keep Newport Moving is the City’s first mobility plan in over twenty years provides comprehensive, actionable strategies to make it safer, easier, and more enjoyable for residents and visitors to navigate Newport’s historic street grid, no matter how they choose to move around the city.

Resilient Route 114 Plan (2025)

In collaboration with the Towns of Barrington, Bristol, and Warren, the Route 114 Resilience Plan was developed to assess the current and future vulnerability of the critical Route 114 corridor through Barrington, Bristol, and Warren and establish conceptual alternatives for reducing coastal flood risks and improving the resilience of Route 114 in key areas of vulnerability along the roadway.