Freight ITS

Freight Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Technical Paper 169 was developed to supplement the information provided in the Rhode Island Department of Transportation’s 2015 – 2020 ITS Strategic Deployment Plan by including an analysis of various freight specific ITS deployments being utilized in other states and regions, as well as by the private sector. In providing this analysis of freight ITS, it is hoped that new ITS investments can be made in Rhode Island that will help to address freight specific challenges such as congestion, bottlenecks, and lack of truck parking facilities outlined in the 2016 State of Rhode Island Freight and Goods Movement Plan. This paper also aims to provide a review of the latest technologies and applications used by truck drivers, fleet operators, states, and regions and paths to incorporate them into our existing ITS infrastructure.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are defined by the FHWA as the application of advanced sensor,computer,electronics, and communications technologies, and management strategies, in an integrated manner, to improve the safety and efficiency of the surface transportation system. ITS provides the State of Rhode Island the tools to detect, verify, and respond to roadway incidents; the tools to provide public information that reduces congestion and improve safety; and provides the data gathering tools to report on system performance and sustainability.

Freight specific ITS are advanced information and communications technologies that are or will be used in the future for the management of logistics, transportation, and materials handling operations. Freight ITS can also be understood as the combined application of information and communications technologies and its related infrastructure and policy framework to optimize transportation efficiency and sustainability. Freight ITS consists of technologies that provide users with traffic and infrastructure information, vehicle and freight location information, weight‐in‐motion‐systems, freight condition information, freight positioning information, vehicle location and condition monitoring systems, route planning systems, and freight location monitoring systems.

This technical paper explores the latest truck related ITS deployments in other states and regions across the United States to determine what technologies and deployments may be applicable for use in Rhode Island. This paper also surveys the latest smartphone applications and services available to truck drivers and fleet managers to gain greater understanding of the real‐time decision‐making data and tools available within the trucking industry to better understand how truck drivers make their decisions and what tools they use for route guidance.

Freight Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Technical Paper 169 is one of a series prepared by the Division of Statewide Planning. Technical Papers present information developed through planning activities to state and federal agencies, local governments, and the public.
If you would like to know more about our Freight ITS or Freight Planning in Rhode Island, please contact: Josh O’Neill, AICP Supervising Planner at or 401-222-4849.