Comprehensive Plans And State Approval Status

The following table lists the approval dates and approval status of all municipal comprehensive plans and amendments. The Approval Status for plans are either: Fully Approved, Partially Approved, Expired, or Denied. Comprehensive plan amendments are also listed along with their status of Approved or Denied.

  • Fully Approved means that the plan and all amendments to the plan have current State approval.
  • Partially Approved indicates that an amendment to the comprehensive plan has not been approved by the State but the remainder of the plan continues to have state approval.
  • Expired means that the term of the State Approval has expired. While the State is no longer bound by the plan, it remains in full force and effect locally.
  • Denied means that the State did not grant State Approval to the plan or amendment. While the State is not bound by the plan or amendment, it is in full force and effect locally.

Viewing the Comprehensive Plans

Links to the comprehensive plans are of two types. For comprehensive plans with State approval, the link will display the comprehensive plan as it was submitted to, and approved by, the State. However, the Division cannot guarantee that these are the most recent and complete version of the comprehensive plan. Readers may wish to contact the municipality for such verification.

For comprehensive plans that do not have current State approval, the Division has done its best to provide correct links to the appropriate municipal website.

Municipality Municipally Approved State Approved Plan/Approval Expiration Approval Status
Barrington 03/25/15 05/11/15 05/10/25 Fully Approved
Bristol 01/25/17 02/02/17 02/01/27 Fully Approved
Burrillville 07/09/18 12/03/18 12/02/28 Fully Approved

BUR-A1-22 “Future Land Use Map Amendment”

Amend the Comprehensive Plan to change the Future Land Use Map designation to three parcels (plat 265, lots 005 and 006 and plat 266, lot 003) located off South Main Street (Route 100) from Suburban/Residential to Commercial/Industrial.

9/28/22 3/2/23   Fully Approved

BUR-A2-22 “Inclusionary Zoning Amendment:

Amend the text contained in Chapter V Housing and Affordable Housing to ensure consistency with the newly adopted Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance.

1/12/22 3/2/23   Fully Approved
Central Falls 12/18/06 11/01/07 10/31/12 Expired
Charlestown 05/04/21 08/04/21 08/03/31 Fully Approved
Coventry 03/05/99 03/22/99 03/21/04 Expired
Cranston 08/25/10 10/18/12 07/01/17 Expired
Cumberland 06/25/16 04/19/17 04/18/27 Fully approved
East Greenwich 03/24/14 04/01/14 03/31/24 Expired
East Providence 01/05/10     Denied
Exeter 12/08/03 03/03/04 03/03/09 Expired
Foster 01/12/23 12-14-23 12-13-33 Fully Approved
Glocester 04/19/18 07/26/18 07/25/28 Fully Approved
Amendment GLO-A1-21
Amendment to the Future Land Use Map, changing the designation of Plat 10, Lot 116 from Agricultural/Residential density greater than or equal to 3 acres per unit to Planned District - Density less than or equal to 3 units per acre.
05/20/21 09/15/21   Fully Approved
Hopkinton 05/04/17 03/27/18 03/26/28 Fully Approved
Jamestown 04/06/15 05/15/15 05/14/25 Fully Approved
Johnston 09/30/09 11/17/09 11/16/14 Expired
Lincoln 08/19/03 09/20/04 09/19/09 Expired
Little Compton 02/15/18 04/30/18 04/29/28 Fully Approved
Middletown 03/02/15 11/20/15 11/21/25 Fully Approved

MID-A1-22 “Housing Element Recent Actions 2022” - ​

The purpose of the amendment is to insert text to provide an update on actions taken as of 2022 to implement the goals and policies of the Housing Element, and the Town’s work toward achieving the statutory goal of providing 10% affordable housing units.

1/12/22 3/2/23   Fully Approved
Narragansett 09/05/17 10/03/17 10/02/27 Fully Approved
New Shoreham 11/16/16 03/02/17 03/01/27 Fully Approved
Amendment NSH-A1-21
Amendment to the Future Land Use Map changing the designation of Plat 18, Lot 2-3 From Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential
05/19/2021 07/21/2021   Fully Approved
Newport 02/08/17 05/03/17 05/02/27 Fully Appoved
Amendment NPT-21-01:
This amendment incorporates the Newport North End Urban Plan by reference and revises various sections of the Comprehensive Plan.
02/10/21 04/06/21   Fully Approved
North Kingstown 11/19/18 11/18/19 11/17/29 Fully Approved
Amendment NK-A1-20
Amendment to the Future Land Use Map changing the designation of 420 School Street from Neighborhood Commercial to High Density Residential
01/13/20 09/25/20   Fully Approved
Amendment NK-A2-20
Amendment to the Future Land Use Map changing the designation of 2909 Tower Hill from Very Low Density Residential to Commercial
01/13/20 09/25/20   Fully Approved
North Providence 08/20/14 11/17/14 11/16/24 Fully Approved
North Smithfield 04/01/19  10/29/19  10/28/29 Fully Approved
Pawtucket 03/22/17 06/16/17 06/15/27 Fully Approved
Portsmouth 04/11/22 01/19/23 01/19/33 Fully Approved
Providence 11/20/14 01/05/15 01/04/25 Fully Approved
Richmond 02/15/22 03/22/22 03/22/32 Fully Approved
Scituate 06/12/03 07/19/04 07/18/09 Expired
Smithfield 01/17/17 10/03/17 10/02/27 Fully Approved
Amendment SMI-A1-21 02/24/21 07/21/21   Fully Approved
South Kingstown 05/24/21 09/15/21 09/15/31 Fully Approved
Tiverton 10/22/18 11/05/18 11/04/28 Fully Approved
Warren 01/13/04 02/12/04 02/11/09 Expired
Warwick 04/17/14 08/18/14 8/17/24 Expired
Amendment: WAR-18-01
52 Benefit Street FLUM change from Industrial to Residental-High
06/18/18 07/24/18   Fully Approved

WAR-A1-22 “Encouraging Solar in the Built Environment” 

Amend the Comprehensive Plan 2013-2033 regarding regulations for the installation and siting of solar energy systems

3/21/22 6/14/22   Fully Approved
West Greenwich 12/06/95     Denied
West Warwick 2/26/20 8/17/20 8/16/30 Fully Approved
Westerly 01/20/21 05/13/21 05/12/31 Fully Approved
Woonsocket 04/04/12 04/24/12 04/23/17 Expired